• Friday Night Forums

    metaphysical & holistic topics

    Welcome to our Friday Night Forums, a cornerstone of the New Visions Books & Gifts community, where we delve into a variety of spiritual, metaphysical, and holistic topics. We invite you to join us in person or online twice a month for enlightening presentations, engaging discussions, and a chance to connect with like-minded individuals.

    A Space for Learning and Connection: Our forums are designed to be a welcoming space for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey. In each forum we feature knowledgeable speakers who share their insights, experiences, and wisdom on subjects that inspire and challenge us to grow.

    Diverse Topics for Every Interest: From astrology and energy healing to personal development and ancient wisdom, our forums cover a diverse array of subjects. You can expect a new and intriguing topic in each forum, carefully selected to enrich your understanding and spark your curiosity.

    Join Us In Person or Online: The Friday Night Forums are held at New Visions Books & Gifts, providing a cozy and intimate setting for our in-person gatherings. Additionally, we offer online forums, making it easy for our extended community to join us from the comfort of their own homes. Typically, we host one in-store event and one online event each month, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate.

    Stay Updated on Upcoming Forums: Beside you, you’ll find the latest posts detailing our upcoming Friday Night Forums, both in-store and online. Be sure to check back regularly to see what’s on the horizon, and mark your calendars for the topics that resonate with you.

    We look forward to welcoming you to our next Friday Night Forum, whether in person or online, and sharing a memorable evening of exploration and connection.